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A 10wt Car'Poon Headed to Greg in Texas

The journey to own a Gouldfish rod always starts the same way - a message from a client either by email, on our facebook page or instagram. A recent request came in from Greg in Texas who was

“looking for a less than 9ft fly rod that can handle casting extra large cork poppers and deer hair top water flies and other large streamer type flies for big large mouth bass.”

After some discussion back and forward about the types of water, the style of fishing and other uses that it may be put toward we agreed on the new 7'9 10wt Car'Poon as a logical choice.

This is a beautiful build with some delicate threadwork and a matching pair of agate guides which give a sense of elegance to a rod which is actually a powerhouse for casting big flies and big predators. The custom cork grip was a labour of love to match the theme of the rod with a bronze lemke LC10 reel seat and snake brand guides.

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