One for me at last - 8'6 6wt LemonGlass Green Edition
One of my favourite blanks, the 6wt has the subtlety of fast glass with the power to throw a streamer across the lake or into the surf. ...

Brook Trout Themed LemonGlass 8'0 5wt for Ben in New Hampshire
There is a story behind every rod and this is a particularly nice one. A few months ago I was building a 5wt for my personal use that...

Birch Bark, Masur Birch and Titanium Car'Poon 10wt for Peter
Peter asked for a special rod to celebrate his retirement and had been looking for a Car'Poon for some time. The key brief was to keep...

9'0 5wt 6 Piece Pack Rod - Gouldfish LemonGlass for Mike in Wales
I always like a challenge and when I was asked for a rod that was 'bright and distinctive' the cogs in may brain went into overdrive. ...

An 8' 5wt Gouldfish LemonGlass to match an Abel Native Brown Vaya Reel for Jamie in New Hampshir
This started off as a personal project to replace my current 5wt show rod, however after much persuasion, I was convinced to part with it...

Kabuto 7'9 3/4wt Glass Fly Rod for Mike
This is a beautiful pack rod built on Kabuto's new new ¾ wt 5 piece rod. This was a built as a Christmas Gift and the brief was to keep...

A beautiful 8' 5wt LemonGlass in Pink
The Pink Lemonade! This is a very special rod built on the LemonGlass 8' 5wt blank in a subtle Pink colour. The striking part of the...

Carp Flank Abel Madness - Car'Poon #007
It is rare that I get to build a rod purely for myself and usually when I do it is one that is rushed and last minute for a specific trip....

An 8'6 6wt LemonGlass built to match an Abel Jurassic Tail
it is hard to deny that Abel make some of the most beautiful reels and this Jurassic Tail Super 6N is not exception to that. The brief,...

A 10wt Car'Poon Headed to Greg in Texas
The journey to own a Gouldfish rod always starts the same way - a message from a client either by email, on our facebook page or...